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How our cooperative helps Individual members?

At Mityana Women Farmers Cooperative Society Limited we help farmers control their supply and marketing channels on a business level. Together with other members, farmers can buy input supplies cheaper and sell more of their products in larger markets at higher prices. We help struggling member farmers to be more competitive by providing them with trainings and financial assistance through credit.  All in all, we help our members get more with less.

Services offered

  • Agriculture Consulting
  • Education and trainings
  • Savings and Credit Trainings
  • Sales and promotion of farm products (both crop and livestock).

Strong women involved in wealth creation and decision making at all levels

What we do?

Running businesses together is beneficial to cooperative members. As a cooperative society we  buy supplies with wholesale discounts and sell agricultural  products from our members to large markets. Acting this way, our member farmers  can make their farms more efficient and profitable.

Here to help you

We play a key role in enhancing productivity and access to markets for smallholder farmers. Mityana women maize farmers cooperative society has established an inputs distribution system for our members to access quality inputs and secure markets for agricultural products that offer fair and premium prices


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