• Business Name

    Mityana Women Maize Farmers’ Cooperative Society Limited

  • Services

    Capacity building                                            Sales and Promotion of our products Business education and trainings

  • Duration

    Since 2021

  • Category of Business

    Agriculture , Savings and Credit, Agro Inputs

Maize Farming and trade

Commercial maize growing is the major reason for the formation and existence of the cooperative society. Maize production has greatly increased to over hundreds of thousand tones produced per season.

The cooperative society has emerged as a reliable and stable supplier of maize grain around the region supplying good quality and well dried maize grain to both small scale businesses and large scale businesses. The cooperative society is in partnership with EGG PRODUCTION UGANDA LIMITED to buy off mostly all the maize produced.

The cooperative society sells the maize at a relatively fair price and also provides excellent aftersales services.

Women Agro-inputs access center

We strive to increase accessibility to high quality and genuine farm inputs enabling better yield and efficiency among farmers.

The cooperative society setup an agro inputs access center which sells quality farm inputs at the best and affordable prices. This solution enables farmers to purchase agricultural inputs in smaller amounts and only when they are ready for planting, providing them with financial flexibility without the burden of credit.

Black Soldier Fly Larvae breeding and sales

Traditionally maize bran, silverfish, vegetables, grass, kitchen waste have been the major source of materials for production of livestock feeds. Although it is common knowledge that animals, birds and fish feed on insects such as earthworms, crickets and others that grow naturally in the environment. Many had not paid keen attention to them.

Mityana women maize farmers cooperative society limited has ventured into large scale production of Black soldier fly larvae to diversify the sources of feed.  Currently we sell fresh larvae which can then be dried and milled into feeds. 

Fish, poultry and pigs prefer the  feeds because of fat content.

Production and sale of Organic fertilizers

Production of the KIGIMUSA organic fertilizer by the cooperative society is environmentally, socially sensitive. It creates a sustainable model of waste management, recycling organic resources.

Through its application, there is reduced need for commercial soil conditoners and inorganic fertilizers. Centrally the production value chain is handled by the cooperative women members themselves thus creating employment for household incomes and enriching their gardens. 

Poultry management and egg production

Poultry acts as a key supplement to revenue generated from crops and other livestock enterprises that the women and other smallholder farmers engage in. 

Poultry products such as eggs, chicken are good source of high quality proteins. The cooperative supports its members by buying eggs from from and poultry waste to be used as organic fertilizers. One day old chicks are brought back to the brooders managed by women members.  

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